Happy Birthday to Us

Happy Birthday to Us

I can't believe it!  2 years ago this weekend, we started our first Farmers Market.  I had ordered a whopping 80 pounds of cabbage and we put it thru a food processor from home.  I recruited my son to come help and he did willingly the first time....Not so much after that, LOL.

As I reflect on my vision back then to my vision now, it hasn't changed that much.  I am passionate about getting the word out on whole food nutrition and fermented foods.  I've learned about ferments I never knew existed. I've learned about local food economy and the importance of supporting our local farmers for the benefit of our economy and our own microbiome.   I've transitioned my buying habits to support my neighbors at the market.  

The most profound gift given to me over the last 2 years is our "tribe" we've created.  I can not begin to put in words the feeling it gives me to have so many people feel good because of what they have learned about our products and the difference it makes in their health.   To have such a positive effect on so many truly makes my heart smile.  Thank you for giving me the chance and thank you for your continued support.  Together we are changing the world by sharing our experiences with food.  Always keep fermented foods in your reach for a healthy gut.

To celebrate our birthday, we are offering FREE SHIPPING for the month of March.  This is a great time to try our krauts or to stock up on your favorites!  



See all articles in Fermented Foods Education & FYIs


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